Setting up Zapier integration & Zaps for Lead Ads

To populate the Facebook dashboard with data from Ads, you’ll have to either manually transfer the data or use our Zapier integration (recommended).

Setting up a new Zap to push Lead ads

Now you will need to create a new zap, in order to push the Lead ads into Dreamdata. This procedure has to be done for each individual lead ad

  1. Select desired app and event - in this example we will use Facebook Lead Ads
  1. Sign into your Facebook ad account
  1. Set up triggers with your chosen page and chosen form (you are unable to select multiple forms/ads, hence why multiple zaps need to be created)
  2. Click “Test trigger”
  3. If your trigger and account are set up properly, it should return with a form response;
  4. Moving onto the Action setup, search and click “Dreamdata”, and in the event, select “Lead Ads”
  5. Click “Sign in to Dreamdata” - a new tab will open, where you’ll have to add the API key as found below.

API Key can be found and copied in the Dreamdata app, under Data Platform → Sources → Zapier

  1. Now you’ll have to do some quick manual mapping:

Source: Facebook

Unique Source ID ID

Email: Email

Timestamp: Created Time

Campaign Name: Campaign Name

First name: First Name

Last name: Last Name

Title: Job title

Website: Page Name

Company: Company Name

  1. After clicking continue, you will be able to “Skip test” or “Test action”
  2. After testing, if everything has been filled out correctly you would get a successful test. Status 201 means the request has been fulfilled. Finally click “Publish”

Your Zap will now start pushing data to Dreamdata. Repeat this process for all your lead forms/lead ads.

If you’d like to Dreamdata to show the historical data gathered with your lead ads/forms, you can follow this guide.

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