How do we connect stage models

Updated by Steen Voersaa

For each transition—either from Marketing Qualified to Sales Qualified or from Sales Qualified to Closed Won—one of the following connection types is applied, in order of preference:

  1. Object: This connection type is used when two stages are based on the same CRM object. A common example is when both "Sales Qualified" and "Closed Won" stages are set on the deal/opportunity object in your CRM.
  2. Email: This connection type is used when you have defined person-based stage models. It is typically applied when part of your funnel is defined on the contact/lead object.
  3. Company: This connection type is used when stages are connected based on belonging to the same company.

Please note that for any given transition, only one connection type will be applied, based on the priority order above. This means that if we identify that your "Sales Qualified" and "Closed Won" stages are measured using the same object, we will only consider transitions between those stage models when they are defined on the same object.

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