Working with multiple currencies

Updated by Ole Dallerup

As an enterprise, you have customers worldwide doing business in multiple currencies. Likewise, your team might be dealing with various currencies based on their location example, the EMEA team might be running an EUR ad account while the US team runs their ad accounts in USD.

That is all-natural and hard to avoid in a large and complex business. The good news is that Dreamdata handles all this currency complexity for you.

Dreamdata automatically uses the latest currency exchange rates from the European Central Bank (ECB), updating the data daily.

Based on each source you connect, Dreamdata will automatically detect the currency of your ad account deal, opportunity, etc., and convert the values to your reporting currency using the latest exchange rates. If you want to change your reporting currency, you can do it here: Data Platform > Settings > General

Take a step deeper into managing currency on Stage Models; you can read more about it here.

Accessing the data yourself

If you want to see the exchange rates Dreamdata uses or even use the exchange rates yourself, then check out the following links:

  • A dashboard where you can see the exchange rates live.
  • You can subscribe to the exchange rate data for free; read more here.

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