Content Analytics - Dashboard Options

Determines which pipeline stage is considered in the report. Use this to change reporting based on your desired business objective.
Filters that can be applied to consider a specific subsection of the available content:
- Content Category: the category of the content (this is set when setting up the content within the Dreamdata application under Data Platform > Settings > Conversions)
- Session Channel: the channel of the session containing the content view
- Session Source: the source of the session containing the content view
- Session Campaign: the campaign of the session containing the content view
- Session Referrer: the referrer of the session containing the content view
- URL: find specific url’s
- Event Name: find specific events by searching for the event name
- Host: the host name of the URLs
- Industry: the industry of the companies that viewed your content
- Employees: the number of employees of the companies that viewed your content
- Country: the country of the companies that viewed your content
- Conversion: you can select all events (the default), only sessions with conversion events, or sessions without conversions.
Group By
Determines the granularity of the content. E.g. URL will show the URL of the content, whereas Content Category aggregates multiple URL’s into the specific categories that are setup.
- Content Category
- Content Category + URL
- Event Name

Secondary Group By
The secondary group by option provides the ability to further split the content depending on
- None: no extra splitting will be performed
- Session Channel: the channel of the session containing the content view
- Session Source: the source of the session containing the content view
- Session Campaign: the campaign of the session containing the content view
- Session Channel + Source: the channel and source of the session containing the content view
- Session Landing: the landing page of the session containing the content view
- Session Referrer URL: the url of the referrer of the session containing the content view

Metric On Graphs
This controls the metric that will be shown on the graphs in the report below. We can choose to show the metrics:
- Influenced Leads/Prospects/Deals: Leads/Prospects/Deals that were influenced by the content
- Influenced Contacts: the number of unique emails that were influenced by the content
- Influenced Companies: the number of companies that were influenced by the content
- Views/Counts: the number of individual page views or the number of events