Creating Attribution Models

Updated by Steen Voersaa


Attribution Models

Attribution models are frameworks used in digital marketing and analytics to assign credit to various touchpoints or interactions in a customer’s journey toward a conversion or sale. These models help marketers understand which channels, campaigns, or interactions are most effective in driving desired outcomes, such as sales, sign-ups, or other conversions.

Why are Attribution Models Important?

Attribution models help businesses:

  • Optimize marketing budgets: By understanding which channels are most effective, marketers can allocate resources to the highest-performing tactics.
  • Enhance campaign strategies: Insights from attribution models reveal which customer interactions contribute to conversions, allowing for more targeted and effective marketing strategies.
  • Improve ROI: With a clearer understanding of what drives conversions, businesses can focus on tactics that deliver the best return on investment.



Attribution Models at Dreamdata

Dreamdata includes various attribution models for your analysis, by default. You can adjust the way each of these models work by way of exclusion and focus. You can also create a new attribution model based on an existing model and once again, add other exclusions to fit additional analysis needs.


How to create a new attribution model

  • Start with an existing Model: Create a new attribution model by selecting one of the existing models as a "blueprint," such as First Touch, Last Touch, Linear, U-Shaped, or W-Shaped.
  • Name and Description: Give your new model a custom name and description to easily identify it later, and save your new attribution model.
  • Adjust Exclusions: After creating the model, you can add new exclusion rules or modify existing ones by clicking on Configure exclusions under each respective model.

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