Understanding: Conversions
In the Data Hub section of Dreamdata, you can configure conversions. A conversion is a group of events that represent a specific type of conversion by an identifiable user. Typical conversions would be Demo Request, Free Sign Up, Trial Sign Up, and Request Sales Call.
When you start using Dreamdata we have already set some up, but you can change them as you want to.

Conversions in the Engagement section
In most of the engagement reports you can use conversions to filter the report. For instance, you can filter the events report to only see the events associated with a specific conversion.
Conversions in Attribution models
The conversion definitions mainly impact the W-shaped attribution model, where touches with conversions are given more value.
Conversions in Customer Journey
Furthermore, they can be highlighted in the customer journey view.

And if you use our data models exports you will also be able to query the data based on conversions.
A note on event types
We have a concept called "event type" where we classify sets of user events into types.
For instance, we automatically classify user events called anything with 'signup' as "Sign up" event type. In this event type, we also put any event associated with a form submission in a system we ingest data from. This is particularly useful in cases where each campaign generates a new unique user event - often named after the campaign.
If you want to understand which events are in a specific event type, select "Add New Conversion", select the event type, then click the drop-down to select specific events.
You can freely delete the default conversion configuration and set it up to match your needs.
The rules are applied in the order they appear in the table.