Audiences: Hubspot vs Dreamdata

Updated by Andreea Oprea

The HubSpot ads audiences capabilities allow you to create 3 types of audiences: contacts list, LinkedIn company list (both available on Marketing Hub Starter, Professional, and Enterprise plans) and website visitors (all plans). Read more here.

If you have not connected your ad accounts to HubSpot, you cannot use the HubSpot ads audiences builder.

Below you can see the similarities and the differences between HubSpot audiences and Dreamdata audiences.


Both HubSpot and Dreamdata support contacts (LinkedIn and Google Ads) and companies (LinkedIn) audiences. On HubSpot, you can also create a third type of audience called "website visitors", which enables you to create an audience based on visitors to any page, or a subset of pages on your website. On Dreamdata, creating a website visitor audience is easily accomplished either through the Contacts Audience builder or the Company Audience builder, depending on your preferred format of the audience (either a list of people or list of companies).

A combination of demographic and behavioral data can be used to create more targeted audiences, on either platform.

Example: You want to create an audience of contacts who are Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) and have visited your website within the last 60 days. In this case either Dreamdata's or Hubspot's integration can be used and give the same result.


Dreamdata enables you to create complex filters based on a combination of ad engagement with all connected sources and Dreamdata specific stages together with demographic and behavioral data, as previously mentioned.

You should be using the Dreamdata integration if you:

  1. You want to be able to target very specific contacts/companies based on activities across multiple channels and sources.
  2. You want to use Dreamdata specific data for filtering, like already created stage definitions.

Example: You want to create an audience of contacts who are Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) and have visited your website within the last 60 days which also interacted with your company on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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