Link to the Customer Journey from your CRM

Updated by Ole Dallerup

With Dreamdata's Customer Journey, you can drill into the details of all your activities and signals from a given account. This can be useful for marketing, ops, and sales teams at different stages of the acquisition journey.

This article will describe how you can easily add a link within your CRM to the Dreamdata customer journey, enabling your team to move from CRM to Dreamdata with a single click.

With most CRMs you can add a calculated/formula field. The field should be calculated as follows:{slug}/journeys/companies/{company_id}

The {slug} is the slug of your accounts, for example, company_com, and {company_id} is the prefix based on your CRM and the account_id. You can find more information below under your CRM.


The {company_id} prefix for Salesforce is sfdc-, for example, "sfdc-0017Q00000bvEIVQA2".

  1. Create a new Text Formula field on the account
  2. Use the following code. Remember to replace {slug} and adjust the title.
    1. HYPERLINK("{slug}/journeys/company/sfdc-" + Id, "Dreamdata Customer Journey", "_blank")
  3. Remember to add it to a meaningful place within the account view so your team can find it.


The {company_id} prefix for HubSpot is hubspot-, for example, "hubspot-19104603046".

  1. Create a new Calculation field on the Company
  2. Use the following code. Remember to replace {slug} and adjust the title.
    1. concatenate("{slug}/journeys/companies/hubspot-",number_to_string([properties.hs_object_id]))
  3. Remember to add it to a meaningful place within the company view so your team can find it.


The {company_id} prefix for Pipedrive is pipedrive-, for example, "pipedrive-1725324.

You can read more about creating a Formula field within Pipedrive here.

Microsoft Dynamics

The {company_id} prefix for Microsoft Dynamics is ms-dynamics-, for example, "ms-dynamics-d136c0b6-dece-e311-b19d-d89d67632e94".

You can read more about creating a Calculated field within Microsoft Dynamics here.

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