Paid sources: Overview

Updated by Anton Lauritsen

In this article, we'll provide you with a list of the different paid sources that is needed when setting up your Dreamdata supports as well as their function in the platform.

Ad platforms: Facebook Ads

To populate your Paid Overview, Ad spend, ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) and Facebook Ads dashboards with data, you need to enable the Facebook Ads integration.

Click here for a guide on how to set up your Facebook Ads.

Ad platforms: AdRoll

To populate your Paid Overview, Ad spend, ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) and AdRoll Ads dashboards with data, you need to enable the AdRoll Ads integration.

Click here for a guide on how to set up your AdRoll Ads.

Ad platforms: X (Twitter) Ads

To populate your Paid Overview, Ad spend, ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) and X (Twitter) Ads dashboards with data, you need to enable the X (Twitter) Ads integration.

Click here for a guide on how to set up your X (Twitter) Ads.

Ad platforms: Bing Ads

To populate your Paid Overview, Ad spend, ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) and Bing Ads dashboards with data, you need to enable the Bing Ads integration.

Click here for a guide on how to set up your Bing Ads.

Ad platforms: LinkedIn Ads

To populate your Paid Overview, Ad spend, ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) and LinkedIn Ads dashboards with data, you need to enable the LinkedIn Ads integration.

Click here for a guide on how to set up your LinkedIn Ads.

Ad platforms: Google Ads

To populate your Paid Overview, Ad spend, ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) and Google Ads dashboards with data, you need to enable the Google Ads integration.

Click here for a guide on how to set up your Google Ads.

Ad platforms: G2

To populate your Paid Overview, Ad spend, ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) and G2 Ads dashboards with data, you need to enable the G2 Ads integration.

Click here for a guide on how to set up your G2 Ads.

Ad platforms: Capterra

To populate your Paid Overview, Ad spend, ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) and Capterra Ads dashboards with data, you need to enable the Capterra Ads integration.

Click here for a guide on how to set up your Capterra Ads.

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