Referral Guide and UTM tracking

Updated by Samuel Malpiedi

It is essential that our partners are using UTM tagging for their referral as well as informing us at This way we can track as much as possible and use this information for our joint reporting and yearly run through.

Replace {partner_name} with your agency name, and campaign is optional.

UTM Partner Tag


example: utm_source=agencyname&utm_medium=agency_partner&utm_campaign=onboarding


Signup free:{partner_name}&utm_medium=agency_partner&utm_campaign={optional_partner_controlled}


In order for your agency to be eligible for the referral kickback and partnership benefits, we have a few boxes to tick in regards to Tracking:

  • Must be tracked via UTM. 
  • Touch has to take place for a maximum 60 days SQL created. 
  • If UTM tagging was not done, then email sent to about process start.*
this is to ensure we can correctly attribute, as to situations where it may have been word-of-mouth during a client meeting that started the process.

Feel free to gather information to send to your client and for your own usage here in the Partner Material section

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