Attribution Exclusions

Updated by Mikkel Settnes

Exclusions for attribution models allow users to define specific criteria for excluding certain sessions from an attribution model.

Each model can have its own set of exclusion rules, allowing for different models with specialized analysis goals.

This feature is essential for refining and customizing attribution models by filtering out sessions that may skew results or are not relevant to the analysis.

How does it work?

Setup multiple exclusion rules using a combination of conditions.

A session only need to be part of one exclusion condition to be excluded from the attribution analysis.

When all sessions in a journey are excluded, the credit will be shared evenly between the excluded sessions

Excluded sessions can still receive attribution credit if only excluded sessions are present in the journey.
This does not remove the data from the customer journey, but suppresses its relevance in the attribution analysis

If a metric is not using an attribution model it will not be affected by these exclusions

Exclusions in Data-driven attribution

Excluding sessions for the data-driven attribution model will also inform the AI algorithm that the excluded sessions are not relevant.

This will be used to further adjust the AI model weights, creating a model more accurately describing the real journey.

Available Properties for Exclusion

The following properties can be used to define exclusion rules:

Channel: the channel of the session to be excluded

Source: the source of the session to be excluded

Campaign: the campaign of the session to be excluded

Landing Page: the landing page of the session ie. the URL of the first page in the session. Use this to exclude pages or sections of the website that are not relevant for attribution analysis.

Landing Page Host: the landing page host of the session ie. the host of the first page in the session. Use this to exclude hosts not relevant.

Advanced filtering options available to Business and Enterprise plans

Landing Page Referrer: the referrer of the session landing page

URL no utm parameters (anywhere in session): exclude sessions containing specific URLs regardless of where in the session the URL occurred. This option does not include utm parameters. Use this to exclude pages with specific URLs like job postings or unsubscribe pages.

URL with utm parameters (anywhere in session): exclude sessions containing specific URLs regardless of where in the session the URL occurred. This option includes all utm parameters. Use this to exclude URLs with specific utm parameters like utm_source=abc.

Event (anywhere in session): exclude sessions containing specific event's.

Conversion Name (anywhere in session): exclude sessions containing specific conversions with a specific name. Use this to remove the influence of specific conversions not relevant to the attribution analysis

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