Setting up Outreach

Updated by Yannis

It can take up to 48 hours for the data to show in the Dreamdata app once you successfully integrated it.

Setting up Outreach

  1. On Dreamdata's main menu, click on Data Platform and then select "Sources".
  2. On the Sources page, select "Outreach", either from the Sales Enablement section or by searching for it, using the search bar.
  3. Click "Enable" (a new tab will open).
  4. In order to proceed you need to be signed into your Outreach account. Make sure that the user creating the integration has access to the needed records (described below).
  5. Grant Dreamdata access to manage your Outreach information.
  6. You're all set 🔥 It can take up to between 24 – 48 hours before data begins to appear.

How will the data be mapped into Dreamdata?

  • Accounts: Your accounts will be mapped to Companies in Dreamdata. This will enable you to see all of your sales and marketing activities for each company in one place.
  • Prospects: Your prospects will be mapped to Contacts in Dreamdata. This will allow you to track the engagement of individual contacts across multiple channels.
  • Calls and Mailings: Your calls and mailings will be mapped to Events in Dreamdata. These events can then be linked to specific customer journeys and applied with attributions.

What events will be included automatically into Dreamdata?

  • outbound_phone_call
    • When calls' direction equals to 'outbound'
    • When calls' state equals to 'completed'
    • CompletedAt is used as timestamp
  • inbound_phone_call
    • When calls' direction equals to 'inbound'
    • When calls' state equals to 'completed'
    • CompletedAt is used as timestamp
  • phone_call:
    • When calls' direction anything else
    • When calls' state equals to 'completed'
    • CompletedAt is used as timestamp
  • email_clicked
    • When mailings' clickedAt is not Null
    • When mailings' deliveredAt is not Null
  • email_replied
    • When mailings' repliedAt is not Null
    • When mailings' deliveredAt is not Null

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