Engagement Score
Engagement Score is automatically calculated by Dreamdata Reveal to collect all signals within the last 30 days into a single intuitive metric, that can be used to identify the companies with the highest engagement with your brand.
It uses all signals activated for engagements score under Audience - Signals
This comprehensive approach ensures that you get the most accurate and actionable insights possible.
Click here for our documentation on how to create an Audience within the platform.
How does it work?
The engagement score is calculated using all signals marked with 'used in engagement score' under Audience - Signals.
For each signal a score is calculated determining the engagement level for that particular signal.
The total engagement score is the weighted sum of the individual scores for each signal.
This means that a company needs high engagement across the different engagement signals to reach a score of 100%.
A company have activity on your website and engage with your LinkedIn ads. So it shows two signals.
For each signal the activity is weighted to determine a score for each of the two signals. So both the website signal and the LinkedIn engagement now have a score.
We determine the total engagement score for the company by comparing the sum of these two scores to the sum of scores for all other companies currently engaging with your brand.
If the total engagement for this company is high compared to other companies, the company will receive a high total engagement score.
Time dependence
For each signal the activities from the last 30 days are taken into consideration.
Activities within the last 7 days are weighted equally, whereas older activities are weighted less.