Setting up Bing Ads

Updated by Jing Lin

To populate Bing Ads dashboards with data, you need to enable the Bing Ads integration.

It can take up to 48 hours for the data to show in the Dreamdata app once you successfully integrated it.
Setting up Bing Ads
  1. On Dreamdata's main menu, click on Data Platform and then select "Sources".
  2. On the Sources page, select "Bing Ads", either from the SEO or Paid sections or by searching for it, using the search bar.
  3. Click "Enable" (a new tab will open).
  4. In order to proceed you need to be signed into your Microsoft Account.
  5. Grant Dreamdata access to manage your Bing Ads and related info. Click "Yes".

  1. Make sure relevant accounts are set to "Active" and click "Save".
  2. You're all set 🔥 It can take up to between 24 – 48 hours before data begins to appear.
What data do we get from Bing?

Daily campaign performance which contains daily cost, clicks, impressions for each campaign. Dreamdata will use all the historical data available for your plan.

Make sure that the user creating the integration has one of the following roles:

  • Super Admin
  • Standard User with access to the needed accounts
  • Advertiser Campaign Manager with access to the needed accounts
  • Viewer with access to the needed accounts

In order for us to properly track your Bing Ads, you need to allow for Auto-Tagging within your Bing Account. The latest instructions to do so from Microsoft are as follows:

Turn on auto-tagging

You turn on auto-tagging at the account level, and then Microsoft Advertising automatically adds the UTM tags to the landing page URLs for text ads, keywords, Microsoft Shopping Campaigns, Image Extensions, and Sitelink Extensions.

  1. From the top menu, select Campaigns > Settings > Account level options.
  2. Next to the Account settings page title, click the edit icon 
  3. Next to Auto-tagging, select Add UTM tags to my landing page URLs.
  4. Choose to either:
    1. Replace all existing tags (this option will remove any UTM tags you already have).
    2. Keep the tags you already have and have Microsoft Advertising just add any that are missing (this option will simply add the tags below to your existing tags).
  5. Click Save.

Add Final URL suffix

  1. From the left menu, select Campaigns > Settings > Account level options.
  2. Add ad_id={AdId}&adgroup_id={AdGroupId}&campaign_id={CampaignId}&utm_term={Keyword}&match_type={MatchType} in Final URL suffix, click Save
  3. Click Test > hover over Test complete to see if the url have correct information
  4. Some account level options will be overridden by campaign, ad group, or ad settings. For example, a tracking template set at the campaign level overrides the account level tracking template for that campaign. We suggest you delete all campaign, ad group, or ad level tracking template settings and only keep account level settings.
If the tracking instructions above are not followed, attribution will be inaccurate and the Ad Account filter available in the performance reports will not work properly.

Available UTM tags

Microsoft Advertising automatically attaches the following UTM tags (parameters) to your landing page URL when it loads. The tags are added in the order shown below from top to bottom until the maximum length of the URL is reached.


Tells you


The site that sent traffic to your page. Microsoft Advertising sets this to Bing.


Which channel was used. Microsoft Advertising sets this to cpc.


Which campaign the keyword came from.


Which ad group the keyword came from.


Which keyword brought people to your website.For product ads, what Microsoft Shopping product group (Criterion ID) brought people to your ad.

Full documentation can be found here:

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