Shared Reports
The workflow of creating and sharing reports is now super easy. Shared Reports enable you to save advanced reports, copy, edit, or overwrite previously shared reports. All saved reports are shared automatically with everyone on your account.
Saving a report
You can save a report from any report-page. Simply click the Save Report button and give your report a name and a description. Once the report is saved, it is automatically shared with all users on your account.

Manage your shared reports
You can manage your shared reports under Home > Shared Reports.

From here you can see all reports saved on your account, edit the name or the description of any report, as well as delete reports you no longer need.
Copying a report
You can make a copy of a report by selecting the report and then saving it under a new name.
Ways to use Shared Reports
- You can create templates of advanced reports and enable other team members to easily create their own reports in the future.
- You can build your reports over multiple sittings by overwriting earlier versions (great for new users).
- As the report owner you can reuse or modify advanced reports from past months/quarters/years and make them fit new purpose.