Connect your Dreamdata data to Snowflake

Updated by Steen Voersaa

By default, at Dreamdata we build your database on Google BigQuery. However, through our Google Cloud Storage or AWS Integration you can connect the raw dataset of your Dreamdata database and easily connect it to another cloud container and then to Snowflake.

Google Cloud Platform

Dreamdata is an Google Cloud Partner, and if you have not already signed up to Google Cloud Platform you can do it here and get $500 of free credits. If you are not familiar with Google Cloud Storage and want to learn more, take a look at these how-to guides.

Dreamdata Google Cloud Partner

For a detailed guide on setting up your Google Cloud Storage, follow this link.


To set up an AWS S3 bucket for your Dreamdata database, follow this link.

To connect Dreamdata to Snowflake you need to have it as an add-on on your Dreamdata plan.

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