Setup Guide: All Hubspot Deals entering specific Stage

The steps below measures all Deals that enters the Stage Closed

  1. Pick Deals

To count every deal leave the default to count Every Deal

  1. (Optionally) Apply filters to pick out specific Deals based on their current state. The example below adds a filter on the field Deal Typebeing equal to SQL.

Note that this filter does not use historical values of the field. Only the current state is used for filters in this section.

  1. Select Timestamp from Field History

Choose the field Deal Stage and set the value to be tracked to Closed

This will set the timestamp of entering the stage to the the first time the field Stage got the value Closed

If a Deal never entered the Stage Closed it will not be included in the Stage model
If you select multiple Stages and a Deal transitions through more than one of those selected stages, only the initial occurrence of the Deal entering any of those stages will be taken into account.

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