Triblio ABM platform

Updated by Ole Dallerup

Intent data

Dreamdata has its own functionality to collect intent data from your website visitors combining it with your converted leads and contacts while enriching the company with industry, number of employees, etc.

With this data, you can report on intent data while segmenting across all customers using the enriched data. However, using Triblio you could improve the data quality and coverage by parsing the Triblio intent data to Dreamdata.

When both Dreamdatas tracking and Triblio intent data give a result, the data output from Triblio will be prioritized and used.

Note: If you're utilizing Dreamdatas v1 tracking you won't be able to tell whether the data is coming from Clearbit or from Dreamdata's own tracking.

However, If you are using our v2 tracking you'll be able to see where the data originates from through the debugger. Click here for the v2 tracking


Your website must have Triblio already integrated before the Dreamdata Analytics script can successfully capture and transmit company intent data.

Step 1: Access Intent data

  1. Navigate to the Data Platform:
    • Go to the "Data Platform" section in Dreamdata (located in the menu on the left side).
    • Click on "Sources".
  2. Select your intent data
    • Scroll down to "First-Party Intent Data"
    • Click on "Triblio".

Step 2: Setting it up

To set up the script correctly, you can add it using one of the following methods:

  1. Add the script to your website's header.
  2. Load it through Google Tag Manager below the Dreamdata tracking script.
<script type="text/javascript"> () {
if (!window.Triblio || {

var account = Triblio.getAccountIdentification();

if (account.isIsp || !account.domain) {
}, {
website: account.domain,
source: "triblio",
name: || undefined,
country: || undefined,
industry: account.industry || undefined,
number_of_employees: account.employees || undefined,
annual_revenue: account.revenue || undefined,


Tip: You might use Triblio to create audiences and send them to your ad platforms, such as Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads. To do this, connect your ad accounts to Dreamdata and set up tracking. You will be able to report on how well your campaigns using Triblio audiences work.
Note: Remember when running LinkedIn Ads to set up LinkedIn Conversions (CAPI) and help improve your ads performance.

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