URL query parameters

Updated by Ole Dallerup

Please only implement the scripts below IF you are currently using the legacy version 1.0 of Dreamdata's Web Tracking script. Otherwise, we recommend using the new Web Tracking script, version 2.0, which has built-in support for form tracking, intent sources and other integrations.

You can use URL query parameters in your links to pass User ID, Anonymous ID, User Email, Group ID, and Group Website information to be picked up by the Dreamdata analytics.js script.

When parsing in either User ID, Anonymous ID, or Email identifies will happen automatically. This can be useful if you want to track users across different websites or to ensure users are identified automatically when clicking a link in an email.

When parsing in either Group Id or Group Website, the analytics.js script automatically does a group call, which is a different way of saying it associating the user's activities to the company representing the id and/or website.



Query parameter


User ID




Anonymous ID




Group ID




Group Website




Url example:


Breakdown of parameters and their use-cases

User ID

The user's unique identifier.

Anonymous ID

The anonymous' unique identifier.

User Email

Email address of the user clicking the link. You can example, use it for email campaigns, which ensures that Dreamdata can track the users' activities after clicking the link.

Group ID

It is used to set the group/company unique id associated with a user.

It can be used when tracking a specific company. Still, you don't know who from that company might follow the link. It could be because of privacy reasons are not having the data able to parse the user-specific information along.

It can be useful when doing Account-Based Marketing (ABM).

Group Website

The group website follows the same principle as the Group ID. However, instead of parsing in the company unique id, you parse in the company website.

It's often used when targeting a specific company and cannot parse user-specific information. For example, when you don't have the data, such as when displaying an ABM target ad, or when you, for privacy reasons, can't parse along with PII data for the user, for example, in cold outreach situations.

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