Form tracking: Google Analytics

Updated by Anton Lauritsen

In this article, you'll find a short description on how to compare the data from Google Analytics in Dreamdata

Google Analytics tracking

If you have set up Google Analytics event or goal tracking there are a few things you want to consider before comparing the numbers.


If you compare events then you should be aware that the events are not unique per user. Meaning that in Google Analytics if someone submits and forms your track multiple times it would also count multiple times as events.

Currently, we don’t show this number in the UI, however, it’s in our data source.


Goals are tracked by the visitor. For example, if 1 site visitor fills out your newsletter signup form 2 times, using 2 different email addresses, it will only count as 1 goal conversion.

However, if the same user submits the same email on both his mobile and desktop device then it would count 2.


At Dreamdata we try to avoid looking at cookies for analytics and only count unique emails (contacts) and unique companies. We do this because many of the data sources are not cookie-based and also cookies can be cleared.

Therefore the numbers will not always match up, however often they should be close and it’s for sure a good idea to align on the numbers ensuring they are not too far off which could indicate that some of the trackings are not set up properly.

If we try with the same example as with Goals. If 1 site visitor fills out your newsletter signup form 2 times, using 2 different email addresses, it will record 1 unique contacts (using the last email) and 0 or 1 unique company (depending on if the email can be associated with a company). If the user signs up with the same email address on two different devices Dreamdata would record the same which is 1 unique contact and 0 or 1 unique company.

Some ad-blockers are also preventing analytics scripts such as Google Analytics and Dreamdata's from loading.

To prevent this, read more here.

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