Intro Template for your new clients

Intro template for customers

Note: This template is intended for smaller customers who just need to get tracking started. For lager accounts that would need more guidance and information before setting up tracking, then please contact directly so we can guide them through the proccess together with you, smoothly.



Now that you’ve signed up with YOUR AGENCY NAME, we want to be sure we’re tracking your signups and storing your data correctly and safely. 

Our partner is Dreamdata, a B2B Revenue Attribution platform and they connect data from across your go-to-market tech stack to offer insights into your customer journeys.


They have a free version (think of Google Analytics but for B2Bs), which also allows you to trial a paid version (nothing binding). It’s essential for us to start building a data platform with this tracking in place, so we're able to see the impact of our activities on your revenue generated.

All you need to do is:

- Sign up for the free Dreamdata version. (USE UTM tagging on this link) (UTM tagging info here)

- Invite us into the account through the "User Management" section (See picture below)

Then we will set up your tracking and connect the relevant sources for you.


How did we do?